Thursday, July 23, 2015

Entity Relationship diagram

      Fig: E-R diagram corresponding to customers and loans

Fig shows an example of an entity-relationship diagram. Such a diagram must have the following criteria:

·         Entities represented by rectangles (e.g. customer and loan)
·        Attributes of an entity represented by ellipses (e.g. loan_number and amount attributes for the entity loan)
·        Relationship sets represented by diamonds (e.g. borrows relationship set.)
·        Primary key attribute of an entity set underlined (e.g. primary key customer_id underlined for entity customer)
·        Links joining diamond relationship set to entities. (e.g. there are links joining the entities to the borrows relationship to complete the E-R diagram.)
·        Fig depicts a binary relationship between the two entities customer and loan. The cardinality ratio from customer to loan is one-to-many because a customer can borrow many loans from the bank but one loan from the bank can belong to one customer assuming the loan is not joint i.e, an individual loan.


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